Here you can find factsheets showcasing consular data. This includes the top destinations for cases and the types of consular cases.
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Consular State of Play 2023-24
All infographics in a single pack containing data and information on consular services provided during the last financial year.

Consular services
A summary of consular services provided in 2023-24.

Consular cases by destination
The top 10 destinations for consular assistance in 2023-24.

Consular cases by type
A detailed breakdown of the number of cases by type in 2023-24.

Crisis response
Highlighting our crisis response during 2023-24.

Data on passports in 2023-24, including standard and emergency passports issued, and passports lost and stolen overseas.

Consular communications
A summary of consular communications during 2023-24, including travel advice updates.

Consular cases 5-year trends
A breakdown of the number of consular cases by type over the last 5 financial years.

Consular case types by destination
A breakdown of the top 5 destinations for each consular case type in 2023-24.

Consular State of Play 2022-23
All infographics in a single pack containing data and information on consular services provided during the last financial year.